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Subject: The Missing Piece of Your Fighting Success
Hey {!firstname}
As a loyal subscriber to this newsletter, I know that you take your training and fighting seriously, and that you want to continually improve. I know that you're also aware that there are several components that must come together to perform at your highest potential.
Like thousands of other fighters around the globe, you've already made great strides in your career by implementing the techniques and strategies taught here at (insert YOUR website).
So you are WAY AHEAD of most of the wanna-bees out there.
But there is another critically important aspect of your training which, in the end, can make or break your ultimate success in this awesome sport.
I'm talking about... the physical preparation aspect of it.
Now maybe you've read some of the popular books out there on strength/conditioning for fighters .
Some of them are actually decent, and contain some tips that we can take with us into our training and fights.
However, many fighters still are weak ass shit, can't crack an egg, and lack the conditioning when things aren't going their way DURING a fight.
We've all been there.
So many really solid fighters could finally rise up in the ranks, if they could just be stronger, faster, and more explosive in those types of situations.
Well, I found a guy that knows how to take care of that shit once and for all. And I feel obligated to share this information with you.
His name is Rob Pilger and he's know as the #1 Authority on NO BS Strength/Conditioning for fighters.
Check him out here:
Rob has been underground for years producing winners and champions but now has decided to share his training methods with all of us - for a mere fraction of the price of his private coaching sessions.
Before I send you off to check out his website let me tell you straight out...
Rob is NOT your typical strength/conditioning coach, but neither are the RESULTS his "unconventional" methods deliver.
If you are ready for something new (like becoming, more mobile & flexible, stronger, more explosive, creating fight lasting endurance, learning hoe to properly train your core, and faster recovery from training), then I highly recommend that you check out this revolutionary approach to physical preparation:
Here's to your fighting success,
PS - These holistic workouts really work and NO ONE is going to show you all the tactics in the Boxing Blue Print
Click on the link below to start training to DOMINATE: |