Wait!...Want an Even Better Deal? Watch This Video Now.

The Vault ($150 Value)
For 7 years I wrote for probably the most popular strength/conditioning site on the internet. During those 7 years I answered a lot of real in depth questions on boxing skill training, dynamic warm ups/flexibility training, max strength development, explosive power, injury prevention, and recovery regeneration methods. The amount of real world knowledge oozing from these q/a's is sick. Quite frankly, these q/a's are gold and at your finger tips to read, and learn from, then apply.
I've collected all those Q/A's and I compiled them into a file that I call my personal vault. So this is put into a easily downloadable pdf that you can use to have instant access to all the q/a's I did for Elitefts.
So go ahead and unlock the Vault.

Exercise Progressions Manual ($47 value!)
To accelerate your progress with this program I've also put together an advanced exercise progression manual.This information is normally reserved for my top fighters as this manual IS NOT for sale anywhere.
My Exercise Progressions Manual that gives you more exercise variations for the push,
pull, squat, lunge, posterior exercises patterns. You simply plug these exercises into
the training templates I give in The Boxing Blue Print ebook. So you will never adapt,
get bored, or suffer from over use injuries, as there's new exercise variations to KO
would be training plateaus!
Additional bonuses...

Louie Simmons Strength/Conditioning Interrogation For Fighters. (Can't put a value on this)
Quite honestly Louie Simmons is THE most respected strength coach in the world and owns the most respected strength/power training gym in the world. Louie has forgotten more than most coaches will ever know.
I know first hand because I train at Westside Barbell day in and day out. Louie talks it and he damn sure walks it.
He has trained world class fighters and champions for years, he knows what it takes to train hard, hit hard, be faster than fast, and perform at your very best. Louie knows how to get the best out of every fighter, that's what he's known for and why fighters go to him.
Just one tip in this audio can change everything for you.

Virgil Hill (Can't put a value on this)
I also did an interview with Virgil Hill, he was a champion at every level, amateur, (Olympic Gold), and professional. He won more world titles after the age 35 than most fighters win in their whole career. When most fighters retire, he was still winning world titles.
Virgil was an 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist, he broke former light heavyweight great Bob Foster's record for light heavyweight title defenses.
So can you imagine the value of sitting one on one with an Olympic gold medalist and former 2 division World Champion? When would you ever have the time OR opportunity to do that?
Well I secured Virgil for a one hour interrogation and I asked him everything! ( And quite honestly, I did this as much for me as I did for you.) I can sit and talk about boxing and pick the brains of these guys forever, that's what goes into our programs.
To come and train one hour with me it would cost you $100. To sit and pick Louie Simmons's brain for 1 hour and I don't even think you could ever get him, but if you could manage to get him to sit down for an hour, keep in mind Louie has the busiest schedule in all of strength/conditioning, I guarantee you it would be no less than $500
Virgil Hill? Good luck, you will never get this guy. Total value for these audio interrogations? I don't think you can put a dollar amount on it.
Remember just one tip is all it takes, imagine what you could learn form a coach who has spent 50 years in the gym training elite athletes & fighters in the world and from one of the most decorated fighters of all time? Virgil is very smart as he was the only fighter to stick it to Don King beating him out of a purse bid for a fight! Soak up his wisdom in this audio!
So to get ALL this stuff you would pay ---> $1500 If you were to secure all this information on your own. But I wrapped this all in a package for you today and I'm gonna discount it by over 90%. So YOU pay $97 for it all and the 1 hour phone consultation with me is included. Why would I do that you may be thinking? Because you are part of the Boxing Blue print family now and you getting my manuals is not something I take too lightly but very serious I'm giving you the blood sweat and tears of my education I didn't take it lightly so don't YOU take it lightly.
Now click the the click to order here link it's 93% off of what it would cost you even IF you could get it all on your own.
Hell Yes Coach - I’d like to take advantage of the Special Deluxe Package, and claim my five other additional Boxing Blue Print Training manuals & audios.
With The Deluxe Package I will receive:
The Boxing Blue Print E-Manual
- Alwyn Cosgrove's The Secrets To Cutting Weight Fast and Easy Manual
- The Louie Simmons & Virgil Hill Audio Interagations
- The Vault Manual: My Best Training Q/A
- My Exercise Progression Manual.
- The Old School Power Training Manual
- 1 Hour Phone Consultation

All orders are processed on a SECURE server.

Coach, I've decided to pass on the Deluxe Package, and I will go with the Standard Boxing Blue Print System - including the E-Manual, ; and the bonus.